January 14th: Layla, by Colleen Hoover
Our next meeting is January 14th at 6:00PM and we will be discussing “Layla” by Colleen Hoover.
– The Book Club voted for a book with a one-word title and this was the winning title.
– Books have been ordered through ILL and are available, we have ordered extra copies for people that would like to join us to check out to see if the club is for you!
– Club is member lead, members get to decide the books, activities, etc. Fun evening of discussing books, meeting and visiting with new people. Come by yourself or bring a friend.
– This is a fairly new group and we would love to grow the group! This is open to the public, all adults are welcome!
– The members choose to have a potluck party again this month, such as soups or other items to share! You are welcome to bring something to share, if you would like.